Tuesday, August 24, 2010

MOCKINGJAY chapter 23

Some of my reactions as I read chapter 23... I'll come back later to talk more seriously about things. Please feel free to read along with me and share your reactions and start some discussions, but please NOTHING that happens after Chapter 23. And only read this if you've finished Chapter 23!
Ooh... Tigris... makes me want to watch ThunderCats.

Heh. Using the fact that Snow wouldn't let her be in the games. 

Yet another quote from better times... "I know what blood poisoning is"... funny that the Hunger Games can be called better times.

Of COURSE they all already knew her plan.

LOVE eavesdropping on Peeta & Gale. Love.

Whoever she can't survive without. Yep. Sounds about right.

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